Every dollar has an impact!



Treatment for 10 patients at a Mercy Clinic.



A month of  vocational education for one girl at Hope Academy.



Immunizations for 20 babies at a Mercy Clinic.



Cleft palate surgery for one child at Mercy Hospital.

(Donations are used monthly based on project need)

There are many ways to change a life.

Other Ways To Change A Life

Invite A Speaker

Do you have an event coming up? Invite our speakers to come out and share our mission of hope to help us raise funds!

Mail A Check

Mail A Check

Checks can be made payable to Head First Development and sent to 3267 East 3300 South #131 Salt Lake City, Utah 84109.

Become An Ambassador

Want to help us raise funds with your own campaign? Will you help us share our message via social media? Click to learn more! 

Shop Amazon Smile

Make a simple switch to shopping from Amazon Smile! Each purchase you make can give back to Head First Development!

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Follow our social media pages and share our content to share our mission of empowering disadvantaged women and youths!